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Fox-IT assists Maastricht University (UM) following cyber attack

06 febrero 2020

Late last year, Maastricht University (UM) was hit with a cyber-attack, bringing the institution to a standstill.

Day to day student communications, scheduling, exams, applications and research were all affected and the priority for the University was to get all education services back to normal as soon as possible.

Fox-IT was brought in to assist with the crisis management, forensic investigations and recovery, working hard over the Christmas period and into January to get the University back up and running.

Erik Ploegmakers, Managing Director, Fox-IT comments: “It’s not often that we are able to talk about our work in detail, but the University has been transparent about the incident and published our report. Very proud of the work our team put in, especially over the holiday period.”

You can read the report here: