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NCC Group welcomes new Scottish Cyber Co-ordination Centre

03 marzo 2022

Last week, the Scottish Government announced its plans to launch a new co-ordination centre to tackle cyber threats as part of its Covid Recovery Strategy. The new Scottish Cyber Co-ordination Centre (SC3) will act as a recognised, authoritative and collaborative function to combat the accelerating threat of cyber attacks.

The £1.5 million central coordination function – which will be formally launched later this year - will pool expertise from across Scotland and the UK to share intelligence, provide early warning of cyber threat and attacks, manage incidents, and, lead recovery. Priorities for its first year of operation include looking at how Scotland can manage threat and vulnerability at scale, building the public sector’s cyber security capabilities, and, improving incident response.

“The creation of SC3 is something we wholeheartedly support. We recognise its potential to enhance both Scottish and wider UK capability and resilience and be an exemplar further afield, with the Scottish cyber security industry at its heart. Indeed, we are pleased to see the Government’s commitment to utilise the expertise and coordinate with bodies like the National Cyber Security Centre.

We are incredibly proud to have played our part over the years, helping to enhance Scotland’s cyber resilience as a delivery partner to Government and an active member of the Scottish cyber community. For example, we were delighted to recently announce our partnership with FinTech Scotland. With a strong team of cyber security experts based in Scotland, we look forward to supporting the Centre and the future of cyber skills and resilience.” Michael Upton, Sales Manager at NCC Group