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News reaction: UK pitched as hub for AI regulation

09 junio 2023

Earlier this week, the UK formally announced that this autumn it will hold the first global summit on artificial intelligence safety. The summit will bring leading players and “like-minded” countries together to discuss the risks of AI and how they can be mitigated through ”internationally coordinated action”.

Yesterday, during his trip to Washington, the UK’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, met with US President, Joe Biden, to position the UK as the global hub for AI regulation and gain US involvement in the upcoming global AI summit.

Despite the UK being recognised as a world leader when it comes to AI, Sunak was asked if the UK was too small to be the centre of AI regulation, however he argued that they are in a “natural place to lead the conversation” and that “you would be hard-pressed to find many other countries other than the US in the western world with more expertise and talent in AI.”

Earlier this year the UK Government published a study on the AI sector, showing that the UK has over 3000 AI companies, generating over £10bn in revenue. The UK government has also supported the establishment of the Alan Turing Institute, the Office for Artificial Intelligence, and the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, as well as announcing “a further £110 million investment to support artificial intelligence technology missions”.

The announcement comes as the UK consults on its proposed approach to regulating AI. In its AI White Paper, published in March this year, the Government outlined plans to introduce a “pro-innovation, proportionate, trustworthy, adaptable, clear and collaborative” regulatory framework, with “safety, security and robustness” at its heart.

NCC Group’s Chief Scientist, Chris Anley, comments on the UK Government’s pro-innovation approach to AI regulation.

“We support the UK Government’s drive to create a framework for AI governance that promotes innovation, while keeping the UK and its allies safe and secure.

We are keen to continue supporting the development of the regulatory framework by sharing our expertise and insights from operating at the ‘coalface’ of cyber security, safety and resilience.”

NCC Group is pleased that the UK Government is moving forward with its approach for governing and regulating AI and will be responding to the UK Government’s ongoing consultation AI with ways to build trust in AI technologies and cement the UK’s position as a global leader in the upcoming weeks.