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Safety, Security, Privacy & Prompts: Cyber Resilience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

04 octubre 2023

'Safety, Security, Privacy & Prompts: Cyber Resilience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’ whitepaper – An introduction from NCC Group CTO, Siân John

Whitepaper | Cyber Resilience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - NCC Group

The trajectory of AI development has been nothing short of meteoric in recent years; permeating every sector and systematically changing business operations and decision-making processes.

As with any swift technological advancement, new challenges and threats arise. An array of cyber security threats and vulnerabilities have already surfaced in this domain, many of which are only partially understood.

Organisations and policy makers have the taxing task of harnessing the transformative potential of AI, while at the same time needing to grapple with the ever-evolving threat landscape that it presents.

Ensuring the safety and security of people, process and technology in an AI-augmented world demands vigilance, and a commitment to forward-thinking strategies that will require continuous adaptation.

From prompts to privacy, security to safety - it's time to set a strategy for the AI era. In our new whitepaper we introduce the topic of AI’s reinvention of cyber security, setting a baseline of understanding for some of the key AI concepts, threats and opportunities to business decision makers and policy makers, to support their thinking and strategies in this fast-paced, exciting new technological time.

Key topics include:

  • An overview of the technologies underpinning AI
  • Positive and negative AI use cases and impacts and specific cyber security use cases for AI
  • Cyber threats to AI-based systems
  • A view on the emerging global AI regulatory environment and what this means for organisations seeking to leverage AI
  • Recommendations for the safe, secure and compliant use of AI