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Security Surgery with Matt Lewis Part Four: How you can make society safer and more secure

21 julio 2020

As part of our Always On, Always Here campaign, which explores how we make our connected society safer and more secure, we’ve been answering some key questions about cyber security in smart cities, everyday routines, connected health and more.

In this four-part series, Matt Lewis, Research Director, has provided the answers and explained how the work we do shapes and secures our society in ways that you might not be aware of.

In this edition, the last in the series, Matt explains how we can all contribute to making society safer and more secure. Watch the video below and get in touch if you want to find out more.

How can I contribute to making society safer and more secure?

There’s a fair amount that we can all do to play our part. Again, it all comes down to good cyber security hygiene, such as choosing secure passwords, enabling two factor authentication whenever we can, and patching and updating the security of our apps and devices whenever they are available.

But we can also spread the word, and help other people who might not be as up-to-date with good cyber hygiene, or might not understand the concepts of patching or what it means for a password to be secure.

If you work in an organisation that has an IT team, liaise with them to get as many tips or pieces of advice from them as you can, and we can all evangelise good cyber security hygiene and best practices to our friends, family and colleagues.

A final note from Matt Lewis

That’s the last of the questions and we’ve come to the end of our first security surgery. As we can see, there’s a lot going on in our connected world right now. There’s a lot of opportunity, but the questions and answers that we’ve discussed show that there’s also much to consider around cyber security and how we ensure that we maximise the security assurance and safety of the systems and industries that underpin our societies worldwide.

Thanks for taking part and to everyone who submitted questions. As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear from you and respond back.

Thank you very much!