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Cyber Security of New Space Paper

03 junio 2020

By Andy Davis

NCC Group’s Transport Security Practice as part of its ongoing research and development activities has co-authored with the Surrey Center for Cyber Security and the Surrey Space Center a new article/paper titled ‘Cyber security in New Space‘ which has been published in the International Journal of Information Security.

The abstract is:

This article analyses past satellite security threats and incidents to assess the motivations and characteristics of adversarial threats to satellites. The ground and radio frequency communications were the most favoured targets; however, the boom of satellites constellations in the upcoming years may shift this focus towards the space segment which must be addressed. Key technology advancements and open issues in the satellite industry related to security and operational requirements are also discussed.

This paper therefore aims to provide an analysis of the New Space era in terms of the previous security threats, emerging security challenges and key technologies which are advancing and innovating the space and satellite industry.

You can access the full paper/article as a PDF here.

Andy Davis

Andy Davis

Andy Davis is the Global Research Director at NCC Group PLC, with over 30 years of experience in the Information Security industry. He leads NCC Group's global research initiatives, driving innovation and fostering connections across the global technical community.