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This research was originally performed by researchers from iSec Partners (now NCC Group), and has been migrated to for posterity.

iSEC reviews SecureDrop

23 Mar 2015 – Valentin Leon

As part of our projects with the Open Technology Fund, such as the review of TrueCrypt, iSEC Partners audited Freedom of the Press’ SecureDrop.

SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations use to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. It allows anonymous informants to send electronic documents without fear of revealing their identity. SecureDrop was originally developed by the late Aaron Swartz. The Freedom of the Press Foundation has since taken over development of the software.

SecureDrop is a mature application that was built with a security mindset from the early stages. It uses the Tor network, segregated servers, and air-gapped Tails live operating systems to preserve privacy and anonymity. The design is well thought-out and SecureDrop has undergone two prior, public security penetration tests which covered most of the low-hanging fruits. We reviewed both the application stack and code base, specifically the changes since the 0.2 release. We also provided defense-in-depth recommendations for the web application and stack configuration.

Freedom of the Press Foundation released an article covering the research. You can also find the complete, public version of the report on our GitHub repository. We would like to thank the Open Technology Fund for making this engagement possible, and the Freedom of Press Foundation team, which was incredibly helpful. iSEC hopes that SecureDrop will continue to bring secure communication between journalists and their sources in the future.