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Ransomware Resilience

Your ransomware protection program.

Know your environment's weaknesses and become resilient against them.

Initiate technical discovery, get expert guidance to stay in front of industry ransomware trends, and assess all levels of threats to your environment.

Ransomware is a pervasive and common threat, requiring continuous monitoring and contextualization, no matter your organization's technological maturity. Work through technical discovery exercises, identify defensive techniques, and keep your cyber security hygiene clean.

NCC Group's unmatched offensive and defensive capabilities — including industry-leading penetration testing, managed detection, and incident response — can help you identify risk and fortify your security environment.

Prepare your organization for becoming a ransomware target.

Assess the likelihood of an attack and learn how a threat actor would work to infiltrate your systems. 


NCC Group assesses the threat, likelihood, and impact of a ransomware attack on your business. Our specialists take these assessments a step further by providing tailored processes and frameworks to maximize ransomware preparedness within your systems.

Preparation for malware attacks needs to account for the human factor. Our guided attack exercises amplify your staff members’ malware recognition, response, and remediation capabilities– lowering your operation’s overall risk should a malware attack occur

Stay informed on the continually evolving ransomware threat landscape.

When it comes to understanding the ever-shifting offensive capabilities and techniques of would-be attackers, NCC Group is an industry leader.

We draw on this depth of knowledge to deliver responsive, innovative cyber protection protocols. We continuously monitor the evolution and impact of ransomware to stay several steps ahead of threats — so your business steers clear of ransomware attacks.

We use this knowledge to recommend best-practice malware protection strategies to our clients and to further our own progressive industry research.

When a remediation and protective strategy is effective for one customer, it's often successful for another's operations. Your cyber resilience benefits from our global reach and experience.

Establish a proactive ransomware resilience protection program. 

Even with limited resources, people, or budgets.

Apply the expertise of global, trained cyber security consultants with the offensive knowledge to help organizations of any size and maturity deploy the right tools to reduce risk.

No matter your security maturity or budget limitations, we can contextualize services and deliverables to fit to your business size and scope. Our experts will guide you in developing a clear strategy to improve your security posture and significantly reduce your risk of a ransomware attack.

Call us before you need us.

Our experts are here to help you.