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Introducing Always On, Always Here: Securing our Connected Society

03 April 2020

Throughout 2020 we’re running a series of campaigns to provoke thought and generate discussion about some of the most interesting things happening across our business and beyond.

Today, we’re launching our second campaign of the year – Always On, Always Here: Securing our Connected Society.

As part of our ongoing mission to make society safer and more secure, we’ll be exploring our connected society and how the work that we do shapes and secures our everyday lives in ways that many may not be aware of. 

We’ll begin with a look into the concept of smart cities and what ‘urban living’ could mean in the future. We’ll also dive into the ways that we help keep people and their personal data secure as they go about their daily routines – from waking up in smart homes, buying a coffee, travelling home from work in electric vehicles and settling down for the evening to watch a movie. Finally, we’ll be exploring the opportunities and risks around connected health, and the impact that this could have on our lives in the future. 

We’ll be sharing regular content on this theme over the next three months, with updates on the fantastic work of our global research teams and the view of experts at NCC Group and the wider industry.

Keep your eyes peeled for the Always On, Always Here logo from now until the end of June, and as always, do get in touch if you want to find out more.