Threat assessments that strengthen security.
Identify and manage cyber security risk in your applications. Our assessments provide your team with a thorough understanding of your application’s security posture.
A threat assessment starts and ends with our expert security consultants. Customers trust us to help after significant security incidents with business-critical applications, and to help guide compliance needs and processes. NCC Group leads application assessments for organizations across the globe and from every industry. We apply security principles to specific and niche areas while having a deep understanding of what can go wrong at any time — meaning your security is in expert hands.
Address vulnerabilities.
Find and address vulnerabilities before they become a target for exploitation by threat actors and mitigate threats to your application using your assessment results. Our consultant-led security assessments identify business logic errors and technical vulnerabilities in your application itself, its remote communications, and its interactions with other applications.
Assess after application changes.
As they undergo major changes regularly, applications also need regular assessment to protect their compliance, consumer data, and reputation. With our team's wide-ranging knowledge, experience, and accreditations, we have the means to help organizations needing periodic in-depth, specialized testing. Partners around the globe trust our consultants — Google, Meta, Amazon, and more.
Uncover inherited technical debt.
Open-source code libraries and third-party applications can introduce major security risk. During application security assessments, we adapt our approach to fit each unique application and context, uncovering hidden vulnerabilities in mobile, web, and native applications — even the ones that are inherited or deeply-embedded.
Mobile Application Assessments:
Identify and mitigate threats in iOS, Android, and more.
Ensure sensitive data is secure and unauthorized access is blocked by assessing your preparedness for new threats and inherited vulnerabilities. Rapidly changing requirements can strain your mobile application's security profile and leave your application insecure.
Our mobile application assessment services evaluate iOS, Android, and other applications to identify vulnerabilities and recommend mitigation strategies. Applications are independently evaluated through our Mobile Application Security Assessments (MASA).
Web Application Assessments:
Find gaps, get insights, and mitigate threats.
Web applications are built and released as quickly as new technology can be developed, but the latest tech isn't always created with security in mind. Attacks often go unnoticed, and incident response plans aren't always ready for action.
We assess your application security to give you insights into your internal and external-facing web application security.
Native Application Assessments:
Ensure security is baked into internal systems.
Native application security is often overlooked during cyber security assessments, but native applications are prime targets for attackers because they usually lack built-in protections.
Our team assesses the security of the application under a range of scenarios to improve your application resilience.
Assess your application, no matter where it lives.
Whether it's built for internal teams or consumers, every application has the potential to be compromised, whether accidentally or maliciously.
Read one of our public reports.

Here's what we did for Lantern And Replica.
From September 28th through October 23rd, 2020, Lantern – in partnership with the Open Technology Fund – engaged NCC Group to conduct a security assessment of the Lantern client.
Then in winter 2022, we were asked to re-evaluate several findings after remediations were completed.
Curious about our application security and pen testing capabilities?
We have deep experience with almost every type of application. Reach out to one of our experts to determine how we can test yours.