Insights: Growing Threats

How do we adapt today, to protect ourselves tomorrow?

15 December 2022

The shifting sands of cyber threats

How you can protect your company against the evolving threat landscape

The volume of cyber attacks is increasing. Of the 1,400 global cyber security decision makers we interviewed, 61% said that the number of cyber security threats their organisation had encountered had increased in the past year. In this new edition of Insights, we explain how cyber incidents around the world are evolving, the key sectors that are feeling the weight, and why attacks are becoming ever-more sophisticated. We also explain how cyber-security policies can use threat intelligence to prevent, detect and respond to attacks, with guidance that can be applied across global sectors.

Growing Threats: Are you ready?

View the videos from our live event on October 6th below:

Live Broadcast + Technical Stream & Q&A
An exclusive analysis of the current global threat landscape.

Live Broadcast + Business Stream & Q&A

How culture, industry, and future threats shape cyber incident response.

Join us at our next live event in February 2023.

Market Research Report

The shifting sands of cyber threats

How companies are fighting back against a rising tide of cyber incidents.

Cyber security incidents around the world are evolving. Hackers are shifting shape, regrouping, disbanding or springing up anew. The types of attack are becoming more sophisticated or targeting new victims, increasing sharply in the first half of this year, led by a new strain of ransomware, followed closely by a continued boom in phishing, malware and denial of service attacks.

Technical Viewpoint

Optimising phishing and malware defences with threat intelligence.

Phishing and malware attacks against operational technologies increased sharply in the last quarter, by 60%. With these attacks evolving rapidly, Christo Butcher, Global head Threat Intel managed services, Fox-IT, discusses how threat intelligence can optimise your defences against phishing and malware.

Business Viewpoint

Sector focus: cyber criminals are stepping up attacks on industrial, financial and tech companies. What can we learn?

Cyber security incidents increased rapidly in the first half of the year, but the attacks on industries were not spread evenly. Hackers have their favourites. Companies within the Critical Infrastructure, Operational Technology and Industrial sectors (which typically include Energy and Utilities, Transport, Defence and Construction amongst others) were among the most targeted by ransomware, phishing and malware attacks.

Threat Intel

Matt Hull, NCC Group's Global Head of Threat Intelligence, discusses the current threat landscape and the disastrous fallout of recent high profile attacks on OT systems.

Once again, 2022 is shaping up to be an interesting year with regards the criminal threat landscape, particularly the use of ransomware. We continue to see Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) as one of the most significant threats to organisations around the globe, despite several prominent ransomware operators disbanding and rebranding.

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