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Insight Space: Legacy

The ongoing security cost

Legacy systems

Legacy systems. They’re unlikely to stir much enthusiasm in the boardroom, yet they can incur a significant amount of business risk if not incorporated into an organisations security strategy. According to our research of 500 cyber security decision makers, forty five per cent of organisations’ digital transformation projects are inheriting legacy security issues.

In this edition, we provide a mix of business and technical advice on the subject of legacy security issues as well as our latest threat intelligence and a CISO feature from Vodafone. Download the latest edition of the Insight Space magazine, or explore our advisory pieces below.

Catch up on 'The Big Three' webinar

Webinar speakers

Watch or read the write up of our latest webinar, ‘The Big Three,’ where we discussed the three key questions that you should be asking about legacy security:

How and why do legacy risks accumulate?

How can organisations deal with legacy risk?

How does legacy risk management fit into a Security Improvement Plan?

We provided practical advice on how you can budget effectively to mitigate legacy risk and pay down cyber debt to increase your overall resilience. We also explain how you can secure essential legacy systems to keep your active transformation projects running and minimise disruption to your business-as-usual operations.

Market Research Report

Crunch time:

Unpaid cyber debts are increasing the risk of attacks – and threatening to disrupt digital transformation projects

Organisations plan to increase cyber security spending this year, but will it be enough to tackle their legacy security issues? Read the results of our research into 500 decision makers from around the world to discover their challenges and priorities this year.

Technical Viewpoint

What’s your legacy? The hidden ongoing security and resiliency cost

In this article, Global CTO Ollie Whitehouse explains how legacy security issues can accumulate, and how organisations can plan practically for cyber resilience when beginning a digital transformation project.

Executive Viewpoint

Transform your legacy investment: budgeting to protect your digital growth projects

Tim Rawlins, Director and Senior Advisor, outlines how organisation often overlook the ‘total cost of ownership’ for legacy systems, and how you can integrate whole life costs into your transformation projects to reduce the risk to your estate.

CISO view of cybersecurity in 2030:

Emma Smith, Global Cyber Security Director

Changing ways of working and reduced investment means we now have to approach cyber security in new ways.

How does this affect security roadmaps?

How can CISOs and senior leaders prioritise innovation which supports business growth and continue to build resilience within their organisation?

The CISO view video series invites influential members of the cyber security community to discuss their challenges and reflections in an ever-changing world of cyber.

Invite only - CISO Forum

Register your interest

Coming early 2022 - Join your peers and challenge your thinking through our series of invitation-only CISO forums. Sessions will run quarterly under Chatham house rules and share with you unseen industry innovations, exclusive research and pragmatic advice in tackling todays cyber issues. Sessions will be limited to 10 participants.