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Insight Space

How to tackle modern ransomware threats

Ransomware attacks can be incredibly stressful. Unlike previous strains that were opportunistic and relatively small in scope, modern ransomware targets entire organisations and uses sophisticated tactics to encrypt, destroy and steal data with little chance of recovery.

Whilst prevention is always the best form of defence, this edition of Insight Space explores how organisations can equip themselves to effectively respond to an attack.

Watch our latest virtual event

Is ransomware an exponential threat to society?

In our latest Big Three virtual event, we explored the steps you can take to protect yourself from ransomware attacks and how to respond effectively to an incident. We discussed: 
  • Is Ransomware an event we must now expect to happen?
  • Has the evolution of Ransomware made protecting crown jewels like data even more critical?
  • What can be done to address Ransomware?

Our speakers included: Ade Clewlow, Senior Advisor at NCC Group, Quentyn Tyalor, Director Of Information Security at Canon, Keith Mcdevitt, Cyber Integrator at Scottish Government and Katharina Sommers, Head Of public Affairs at NCC Group.

Insight Space Magazine: Issue 4

Insight Space: Issue 04

In this edition of Insight Space, we analyse the ransomware landscape, including recent trends like the growth of ransomware-as-a-service attacks, and explain what that means for your organisation. We also explore how ransomware tactics, techniques and procedures have evolved, providing practical advice on how you can prevent ransomware from infecting your organisation. Finally, we summarise four steps that you should take if you do fall victim to a ransomware attack, helping to ensure that you can recover as effectively as possible.