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Are you sitting comfortably? Don’t forget about security while working remotely

06 May 2020

Most people will have got into the swing of working from home by now, and with daily routines, video conferences and regular breaks firmly established as part of the average working day, it’s important that keeping on top of personal security hygiene remains front of mind. This is even more important at the moment, given that our teams have seen a rise in both targeted and indiscriminate phishing campaigns in the past weeks.

Luckily, there are a range of simple measures that you can make sure you have in place to help you work more securely while at home.

Below are some of our top tips, which can apply to wherever you find yourself working today.

Be aware of phishing emails

Look out for emails from individuals and organisations that you’re not expecting to be contacted by, and always double check the sender’s email address if you’re unsure. You should be particularly vigilant about any emails asking you to visit a website and enter your login details. You can always confirm any requests you’re not sure about by calling the sender on a verified number.

Set up secure passwords

Use long passwords or pass phrases made up of three unrelated words – or, better still, use a password manager to help you manage your passwords and generate complex ones. Additionally, where possible, use two-factor authentication to log on to any cloud-based tools. Combining both of these measures will go a long way towards improving your security.

Only use trusted software

It’s important to only use trusted cloud-based software that is approved for use by your organisation. Although many organisations will have implemented new ways of working, and may still be searching for new ways to use technology to boost productivity while working remotely, untrusted apps should always be avoided.

Don’t forget about physical security

It can be easy to take the barriers, staff and other security measures that are typically implemented in office buildings for granted, and at home, physical security can fall short. Simple measures like locking your laptop when you walk away and avoiding having devices in view of ground-floor windows will make a big difference.

Use secure networks

Using secure networks is still important when accessing organisational systems through VPN. If your home Wi-Fi isn’t reliable, resist the temptation to log on to an open Wi-Fi network, and use your phone’s hotspot instead where possible. 


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