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Demystifying Multivariate Cryptography

18 August 2023

By smarkelon

As the name suggests, multivariate cryptography refers to a class of public-key cryptographic schemes that use multivariate polynomials over a finite field. Solving systems of multivariate polynomials is known to be NP-complete, thus multivariate constructions are top contenders for post-quantum cryptography standards. In fact, 11 out of the 50 submissions for NIST’s call for additional post-quantum signatures are multivariate-based. Multivariate cryptography schemes have received new interest in recent years due to the push to standardize post-quantum primitives. Sadly, the resources available online to learn about multivariate cryptography seem to fall into one of two categories, high level overviews or academic papers. The former is fine for getting a feel for the topic, but does not give enough details to feel fully satisfied. On the other hand, the latter is chock full of details, and is rather dense and complex. This blog post aims to bridge the gap between the two types of resources by walking through an illustrative example of a multivariate digital signature scheme called Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) signatures. UOV schemes serve as the basis for a number of contemporary multivariate signature schemes like Rainbow and MAYO. This post assumes some knowledge of cryptography (namely what a digital signature scheme is), the ability to read some Python code, and a bit of linear algebra knowledge. By the end of the post the reader should not only have a strong conceptual grasp of multivariate cryptography, but also understand how a (toy) implementation of UOV works.


A multivariate quadratic (which is the degree of polynomial we concern ourselves with in multivariate cryptographic schemes) is a quadratic equation with with two or more indeterminates (variables). For instance a multivariate quadratic equation (MQ) with three indeterminates can be written as: p(x,y,z)=ax^2 + by^2 + cz^2 + dxy + exz + fyz + gx + hy + iz + j where at least one of the second degree terms a,b,c,d,e,f is not equal to 0. With a MQ defined we can now describe the hard problem on which the security of MQ cryptography schemes are based – the so-called MQ problem.

MQ Problem
Given a finite field of q elements \mathbb{F}_{q} and m quadratic polynomials p_1,\ldots,p_m \in \mathbb{F}_q[X_1,\ldots,X_n] in n variables for m<n, find a solution (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \in \mathbb{F}^{n}_{q} of the system of equations. That is for i=1,\ldots,m we have p_i(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = 0. The MQ problem is known to be NP-complete, and it is thought that quantum computers will not be able to solve this problem more efficiently than classical computers. However, in order to be able to design secure cryptographic schemes based on the MQ problem, we need to find a trapdoor that allows a party with some private information to efficiently solve the problem. This is like knowing the factorization of the modulus N in RSA or the discrete-log in Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Generally, in multivariate public key signature schemes we define the public verification key \mathsf{pub} as an ordered collection of m multivariate quadratic polynomials in n variables over a finite field \mathbb{F}_q for n > m. That is \mathsf{pub} = p_1,\ldots,p_m \in \mathbb{F}_q [X_1,\ldots,X_n]. The verification function is then a polynomial map V_{\mathsf{pub}}: \mathbb{F}^{n}_{q} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}^{m}_q such that: V_{\mathsf{pub}}(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = (p_1(X_1,\ldots,X_n),\ldots,p_m(X_1,\ldots,X_n)). Note that our signatures will be of length n and messages (or likely in practice a hash of the message we are signing) will be encoded as m field elements in \mathbb{F}_q. One simply verifies signatures by ensuring that V_{\mathsf{pub}}(\mathrm{signature}) =\mathrm{message} for some message corresponding to the signature. The secret key (singing key) \mathsf{priv} is then some data on how \mathsf{pub} is generated that makes it easy to invert V_{\mathsf{pub}} and generate a valid signature for a given message. Generating a valid signature for a given message without knowledge of the secret key is exactly an instance of the MQ problem, and thus should be hard for even a quantum-capable adversary. However, we need special structure of \mathsf{pub} to ensure that a trapdoor exists so that parties with knowledge of \mathsf{priv} be easily able to sign messages. This reduces the problem space, and thus may lead to vulnerabilities in multivariate cryptography schemes. One such design that seems to have remained secure despite years of thorough cryptanalysis is Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar signatures. We will describe the scheme in the next section and present a toy implementation and a walkthrough to see how the inner mechanisms of the scheme work.

Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Signatures

Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) multivariate signatures were fist introduced by Kipnis, Patarin, and Goubin in 1999. One can find the original paper here. UOV is based on an earlier scheme, Oil and Vinegar signatures introduced by Patarin in 1997. The earlier scheme was broken by a structural attack discovered by Kipnis and Shamir in 1998. However, with a slight variation of the original scheme the UOV signature scheme was created and is thought to be secure. We will now go through the parts of the signature algorithm.

UOV Paramters

We choose a small finite field \mathbb{F}_{q}, where we usually select q=2^{k} for some small power k. The n input variables (X_1,\ldots,X_n) are divided into two ordered collections, the so-called oil and vinegar variables: X_1,\ldots,X_o = O_1,\ldots,O_o and X_{o+1},\ldots,X_{o+v} = V_1,\ldots,V_v, respectively, with n=o+v. The message to be signed or (likely the hash of said message) is represented as an element in \mathbb{F}^{o}_{q} and is denoted m=(m_1,\ldots,m_o). The signature is then represented as an element of \mathbb{F}^{o+v}_{q} and is denoted s=(s_1,\ldots,s_{o+v}).

Private (Signing) Key

Our secret key is a pair (L,\mathcal{F}). We take L to be a bijective and affine function such that L : \mathbb{F}^{o+v}_{q} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}^{o+v}_{q}. For our purposes we can take the meaning of affine to be that the outputs of the function can be expressed as polynomials of degree one in the n=o+v indeterminates and that our coefficients on such inputs are in the field \mathbb{F}_q. Then, \mathcal{F} (also referred to as the central map) is an ordered collection of o functions that can be expressed in the form: f_k(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = \sum_{i,j} a_{i,j,k} O_i V_j + \sum_{i,j} b_{i,j,k} V_i V_j + \sum_{i} c_{i,k} O_i + \sum_{i} d_{i,k} V_i + e_k where k \in [1 \ldots o]. The coefficients a_{i,j,k}, b_{i,j,k}, c_{i,k}, d_{i,k}, e_{k} \in \mathbb{F}_{q} are selected randomly and are kept secret. Note, that vinegar variables “mix” quadratically with all other variables, but oil variables never “mix” with themselves. That is there are no O_i,O_j terms, hence the name of the scheme (although one might observe that this is not how actual salad dressing actually works).

Public (Verification) Key

Let X be an element of \mathbb{F}^{o+v}_{q} defined in the style of our input (x_1,\ldots,x_{o+v}). We then transform X into Z = L(X) = (z_1,\ldots,z_n), where L is our secret function. Each function f_k, k \in [1 \ldots o], can be written as a polynomial P_k of total degree two in the z_j unknowns, z \in [1 \ldots n] where n=o+v. We denote our public key, \mathcal{P}, as the ordered collection of these o polynomials in n=o+v unknowns: \forall k \in [1 \ldots o] \tilde{f}_{k} = P_{k}((z_1,\ldots,z_n)). That is to say we compose \mathcal{F} with L, \mathcal{P} = \mathcal{F} \circ L. We will elucidate how this computation is actually done in our illustrative example.


We solve for a signature s such that s=(s_1,\ldots,s_n) \in \mathbb{F}^{n}_{q} (where n=o+v) of message m (or hash of the message) m=(m_1,\ldots,m_o) \in \mathbb{F}^{o}_{q} in the following way. 1. Select random vinegar values v_{r,1},\ldots,v_{r,v} and substitute them into each of the k equations in \mathcal{F}. 2. We then are left to find the o unknowns o^{*}_1,\ldots,o^{*}_o that satisfy \mathcal{F}(o^{*}_1,\ldots,o^{*}_o,v_{r,1},\ldots,v_{r,v}) = (m_1,\ldots,m_o). This is a linear system of equations in the oil variables, as we have no O_i,O_j terms in our private key. This can be solved using Gaussian elimination. 3. If the system is indeterminate, return to step 1. 4. Compute the signature of m=(m_1,\ldots,m_o) as s = (s_1,\ldots,s_n) = L^{-1}(o^{*}_1,\ldots,o^{*}_o,v_{r,1},\ldots,v_{r,v}). In brief, we invert \mathcal{P} (solve the MQ problem) by using the secret structure of $\latex P$, i.e. the fact it is the composition of two linear functions, which are both easy to invert if you know said functions.


The recipient simply checks that \mathcal{P}(s_1,\ldots,s_n) = (m_1,\ldots,m_o).


Recall that our verification key is \mathcal{P} = \mathcal{F} \circ L, and the signing key is (\mathcal{F},L). Our signature is of the form s= L^{-1} \circ \mathcal{F}^{-1}(m). Then we can show \mathcal{F} \circ L(L^{-1} \circ \mathcal{F}^{-1}(m)) =\mathcal{F} \circ \mathcal{F}^{-1}(m) =m as desired.

Security Considerations

As aforementioned the original Oil and Vinegar scheme is broken. That is, the case where v = o (or when they are quite close) is broken by the structural attack of Kipnis and Shamir. For v \geq o^{2} the scheme is not secure because of efficient algorithms to solve heavily under-determined quadratic systems. The current recommendation, for which no technique is known to reduce the difficulty of solving the MQ problem, is to set v = 2o or v =3o. Therefore, the scheme we examine is called Unbalanced due to the fact v \neq o.

Advantages and Problems of UOV

UOV, in addition to being thought to be quantum-resistant, provides very short signatures as compared to other post-quantum signature schemes like lattice-based and hash-based schemes. Moreover, the actual computational operations (while seemingly complex) only require additions and multiplications of small field elements that are fast and simple to implement even on constrained hardware. The largest issue with the UOV scheme is the size of the public keys. One needs to store approximately mn^{2}/2 coefficients for public keys. Techniques exist to expand about m(n^{2} - m^{2})/2 of the coefficients for the public key from a short seed, such that we only need to store m^{3}/2 coefficients. However, this is still a very large public key – about 66KB for 128 bits of security compared to just a 384 byte key for RSA at the same security level or a 1793 byte key for the lattice based scheme Falcon at a higher security level. Some modern candidates that use UOV as a base and how they go about trying to solve this key size problem will be discussed in the concluding remarks of this post

Illustrative Example

To illustrate how the UOV signatures work we implemented a toy implementation of a UOV scheme in Python3. The code is available here. It goes without saying that it is just for educational purposes and should not be used in any application desiring any real level of security. We will walk through the signing process step-by-step stopping to examine all values and intermediaries. We use NumPy to store polynomials in quadratic form, store our secret trapdoor linear transformation L, and to do linear algebra. We do note that the our UOV implementation is a slight simplification of the general description we give above. We discuss this next.


In our above presentation of the UOV scheme we define our central map \mathcal{F} such that it contains not only quadratic terms, but also linear and constant terms. As a result, the public verification key \mathcal{P} also contains said terms. For the simplified variant we set these linear and constant terms to 0, and are left with only non-zero quadratic terms, that is our central map \mathcal{F} is a collection of homogenous polynomials of degree two. This simplified variant \mathcal{F} is an ordered collection of o functions that can be expressed in the form: f_k(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = \sum_{i,j} a_{i,j,k} O_i V_j + \sum_{i,j} b_{i,j,k} V_i V_j where k \in [1 \ldots o] and all coefficients are in \mathbb{F}_{q}. This simplification presents a number of advantages. Namely, the components f_k of \mathcal{F} can we written as an upper triangular matrix in F_{q}^{n \times n} of quadratic forms. For the below example we set o=2,v=4.

Note that oil variables do not mix, so we have a block zero matrix in the upper-left of this representation. Further, this allows us to define our secret transformation L to be in GL_{n}(\mathbb{F}_q) where GL is the general linear group. That is (for our purposes) L is an invertible matrix with dimensions n \times n and entries in our field \mathbb{F}_q. One can always turn a homogenous system of polynomial equations in n variables into an equivalent system of n-1 variables by fixing one of the variables to $1$. In the reverse this process is called homogenization. Thus, we still preserve the structure of the UOV signing key with this simplification. In turn, from the point of view of a key-recovery attack the security of this simplified variant of UOV is equivalent to that of original UOV with n-1 indeterminates..


A note on presentation: As opposed to above where we used \LaTeX typesetting for math, we will keep our mathematical notation in the prose in line with our choices in the code. That is we will use inline code blocks to typeset variable names and math (i.e. F is our central map.) We will work over the field GF(256). We use the galois package to do array arithmetic and linear algebra over the field. For more information about how to do arithmetic in Galois (finite) fields see this Wikipedia page. For this example we set o=3 and v=2o=6. These parameters are far to small to provide actual security, but work nicely for our illustrative example. Below is the parameter information our implementation spits out.

Galois Field:
  name: GF(2^8)
  characteristic: 2
  degree: 8
  order: 256
  irreducible_poly: x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
  is_primitive_poly: True
  primitive_element: x

The parameters are o=3 and v=6.

Key Generation

Private (Signing) Key

To generate the central map F generate o random multivariate polynomials in the style described in the simplified UOV scheme. Each polynomial is stored as a n x n = (o+v) x (o+v) NumPy matrix. The complete central map is a o-length list of these matrices.

def generate_random_polynomial(o,v):
    f_i = np.vstack(
    (np.hstack((np.zeros((o,o),dtype=np.uint8),np.random.randint(256, size=(o,v), dtype=np.uint8))),
    np.random.randint(256, size=(v,v+o),dtype=np.uint8))
    f_i_triu = np.triu(f_i)
    return GF256(f_i_triu)

def generate_central_map(o,v):
    F = []
    for _ in range(o):
    return F

To generate our secret transformation L, we generate a random n x n matrix and ensure that it is invertible, as this will be necessary to compute signatures.

def generate_affine_L(o,v):
    found = False
    while not found:
            L_n = np.random.randint(256, size=(o+v,o+v), dtype=np.uint8)
            L = GF256(L_n)
            L_inv = np.linalg.inv(L)
            found = True
            found = False
    return L, L_inv

Then, we have a wrapper function that generates our private key using the above functions as the triple (F, L, L_inv). We deviate from the standard definition of the signing key by also storing the inverse of L, denoted L_inv.

def generate_private_key(o,v): 
    F = generate_central_map(o,v)
    L, L_inv = generate_affine_L(o,v)
    return F, L, L_inv

When we run this key generation code for our simple example, we get the following private key. We can see that F is three homogenous quadratics where the entries in the matrices represent the coefficients of said quadratics. Note the 0 terms where oil and oil terms would have coefficients (they do not mix)! Moreover, we only need an upper-triangular matrix as i,j and j,i for all i,j in [1...n] would specify the same coefficient.

Private Key:

F (Central Map) = 
 [[  0   0   0 153 175 153  51 224  89]
 [  0   0   0  20 143  18 179  13 175]
 [  0   0   0  74 231 146 106 136 149]
 [  0   0   0 248 197  59  50  41  57]
 [  0   0   0   0 213  77 187 165  54]
 [  0   0   0   0   0  97 154  37 163]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0  93 246  71]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0 181 188]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3]]

 [[  0   0   0  71  26 115   9 248 114]
 [  0   0   0  31  53 162  77  82  46]
 [  0   0   0 254 178  43 219 124 196]
 [  0   0   0 150  85 216  38  28 197]
 [  0   0   0   0 147  73 216 111  98]
 [  0   0   0   0   0  30 140 222  36]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0 108  54 105]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0 253  38]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  55]]

 [[  0   0   0  98  27 252 165  31  42]
 [  0   0   0 180 169 247 143 217 128]
 [  0   0   0  13 111  90  98  40 233]
 [  0   0   0 223 243 229 156 183  45]
 [  0   0   0   0  40 136  12 123  44]
 [  0   0   0   0   0 251  92  77 174]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0  81 150  95]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0 196 207]
 [  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 108]]

Further, we show L and L_inv and confirm that they were generated correctly as their product is the identity matrix, that is L · L_inv= I.

Secret Transformation L=:
[[  0 207  67 204  15  76 173  14  42]
 [193  54  49  19  64 222  93 165 108]
 [102 211 114  71  22 229 187 221 194]
 [196 251  77 219 159   4 110 107 241]
 [ 78  88  49 133 238 243  17 125 203]
 [ 95 159 145 105 221  55 185 165  24]
 [ 45  55  31  37 149 168   4  21  48]
 [163 127 150 135  56 210 241 110  25]
 [222   3 207 202 136  66 121  18 119]]

Secret Inverse Transformation L_inv=:
[[127 172  42  59  73  10 183 116  70]
 [ 33 153 229 239 106  99 227  54  51]
 [218 196 248  10 124  46  25  73 128]
 [ 15  36 200  28 138 156 210 164 229]
 [114 107 134 126  40 230 238 249  70]
 [ 88 100  51 161 145  52 157 138 130]
 [208 188  30 227  66 116 191 100 183]
 [172  88 227 121 142 132 247 223  18]
 [138 145 247 168 180  35 185 149  67]]

Confirming L is invertible as L*L_inv is I=:
 [[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]]

Public (Verification) Key

We compute our public verification key by computing L ∘ f for each f in F. This is made easy as we can do this in quadratic form, thus each f_p in P is computed as L_T · f · L for each f in F where L_T is the transpose of L.

def generate_public_key(F,L):
    L_T = np.transpose(L)
    P = []
    for f in F:
        s1 = np.matmul(L_T,f)
        s2 = np.matmul(s1,L)
    return P

The following is our collection of o=3 polynomials that make up our public verification key P again represented as a list of matrices, that result from the above calculation using F and L that we generated as our private key.

Public Key = F ∘ L = 

[[246  74 117 248  72   5 143 224 135]
 [116  10  17 156  68 243 203 128 192]
 [148 215 239 220 212  65 184 253 214]
 [211 116 203 186  61  26 104  21 157]
 [155  87  23 174  10 242  98 215 238]
 [189 209 203 142 221 105 179 173   8]
 [109  27 161 201 155 133 197 180  66]
 [227 228 150  92 248  73 213 205 192]
 [ 51  30 193 111 242 244  74 177 154]]

[[ 92 131 253  40 192 243 101 228 217]
 [114  70  34 148 150 144  29  53 193]
 [127 161   2 248  42 126 245 122 175]
 [249  59 218  30  46 114  58 214  97]
 [ 12 212 246 155  93  76 168 162 120]
 [108  53 107 153   7 216 233 137  93]
 [249 177  82 164   4 117  25 179 152]
 [107 105 135  34 189  97  53  29  38]
 [140 127 214 137 206 171  45 109 110]]

[[156  73  34 203 141 187  88  54 168]
 [ 90 252 145  72 161 130  93 150 169]
 [112 158  75   6 174 157 206 192 193]
 [214 198 116 243 190 194 214  22   5]
 [ 74 231 235 113 151  91  75 122 123]
 [200  77 208 125  99 169 229 104  55]
 [184 128  22  88  42 170 139 233 189]
 [ 27 149  64  89  77 158 248  65 150]
 [ 93  59 212 106 143 221  24 178 242]]


To sign we first define some helper functions. The first picks v=6 random vinegar variable values rvv as specified in the signing algorithm.

def generate_random_vinegar(v):
    vv = np.random.randint(256, size=v, dtype=np.uint8)
    rvv = GF256(vv)
    return rvv

We then substitute this selection of random vinegar variables rvv in each f in F, collecting terms such that the only remaining unknowns will be o1,o2,o3 – our oil variables.

def sub_vinegar_aux(rvv,f,o,v):
    coeffs = GF256([0]* (o+1))
    # oil variables are in 0  lt;= i  lt; o
    # vinegar variables are in o  lt;= i  lt; n 
    for i in range(o+v):
        for j in range(i,o+v):
            # by cases
            # oil and oil do not mix
            if i  lt; o and j =o and j  gt;= o:
                ij = GF256(f[i,j])
                vvi = GF256(rvv[i-o])
                vvj = GF256(rvv[j-o])
                coeffs[-1] += np.multiply(np.multiply(ij,vvi), vvj)
            # have mixed oil and vinegar variables that contribute to o_i coeff
            elif i = o:
                ij = GF256(f[i,j])
                vvj = GF256(rvv[j-o])
                coeffs[i] += np.multiply(ij,vvj)
            # condition is not hit as we have covered all combos
    return coeffs

We collect the equations once the fixed random vinegar variables have been substituted (only leaving our unknown oil variables). This will be a linear system of o=3 equations in o=3 unknowns – which is easy to solve!

def sub_vinegar(rvv,F,o,v):
    subbed_rvv_F = []
    for f in F:
    los = GF256(subbed_rvv_F)
    return los

To solve the system we separate the coefficients on the unknown oil variables M from the constant terms c. We then take our message m (which is an element of length o in GF(256)) and subtract c from it to form the y that we need to find a solution x for. We then solve for said x. Finally, we compute the signature s for m by stacking x with the selected random vinegar variables rvv and taking s as the product of the inverse of our secret transformation L_inv and the stacked solution x and the random vinegar variables rvv.

def sign(F,L_inv,o,v,m):
    signed = False
    while not signed:
            rvv = generate_random_vinegar(v)
            los = sub_vinegar(rvv,F,o,v)
            M = GF256(los[:, :-1])
            c = GF256(los[:, [-1]])
            y = np.subtract(m,c)
            x = np.vstack((np.linalg.solve(M,y), rvv.reshape(v,1)))
            s = np.matmul(L_inv, x)
            signed = True
            signed = False
    return s

For this example we select m=[10,25,11] to be Évariste Galois’s – the father of finite fields – birthday.

m =

We then select our random vinegar values rvv.

rvv = [120 104 210   3   0 154]

After substitution we are left with the following M.

M =
[[252 223  17 183]
 [200 254 141 176]
 [116 200  15  43]]

We separate out the constant terms c of the linear oil system and subtract them from the message values m and solve the linear system using Gaussian elimination.

y = m-c =
 [ 43]]
 [ 32]]

f(o1,o2,o3) =
 [[252 223  17]
 [200 254 141]
 [116 200  15]]|[[189]
 [ 32]]

This yields the solution o1,o2,o3 =

We stack this solution x with our random vinegar variables rvv to form a complete solution to the non-linear multivariate polynomial system of equations:

[x | rvv] =
 [[ 68]
 [ 49]
 [ 94]
 [  3]
 [  0]

We can check out solution by plugging them into the central map.

m = x_T · F · x =

We see that this check works and we finally we compute our signature as:

s = L_inv · x =
 [[ 50]
 [ 79]
 [ 80]


To verify the message we simply compute P(s1,s2,...,sn) and check that the result (our computed message) is equal to the corresponding original message. This is made easy as we can do this in quadratic form, thus for each f_p in P we compute s_T · f_p · s where s_T is the transpose of s.

def verify(P,s,m):
    cmparts= []
    s_T = np.transpose(s)
    for f_p in P:
        cmp1 = np.matmul(s_T,f_p)
        cmp2 = np.matmul(cmp1,s)
    computed_m = GF256(cmparts)
    return computed_m, np.array_equal(computed_m,m)

Now let’s see if our signature is correct given our public_key and message.

computed_message = s_T · P · s=

computed_message == message is True

Hey, it works!

Exhaustive Test

As a sanity check we wrote a test function that generates a random private, public key pair for small parameters o=2, v=4. We continue to work over the field GF(256). With these parameters note that the messages we will be signing will be of field elements in GF(256) of length 2. As field elements taken on values in the range 0 to 255 there are 256**2 = 65536 total messages in the message space. We generate all messages in the message space and check that we can generate valid signatures for all of them.

# test over the entire space of messages for small parameters
def test():
    o = 2 
    v = 4
    F, L, L_inv = generate_private_key(o,v) # signing key
    P = generate_public_key(F,L) # verification key

    total_tests = 0
    tests_passed =0

    for m1 in range(256):
     for m2 in range(256):
         m = GF256([[m1],[m2]])
         s = sign(F,L_inv,o,v,m)
         computed_m,verified = verify(P,s,m)
         if verified:
         print(f"Test: {total_tests}\nMessage:\n{m}\nSignature:\n{s}\nVerified:\n{verified}\n")
    print(f"{tests_passed} out of {total_tests} messages verified.")

We now look at the output of the test and see that we were able to generate signatures for every message in the message space. This instills confidence in the validity of our implementation. The full test_results.txt file for one random key pair is included in the GitHub repository of our implementation that is linked above.

Test: 1
[[ 53]
 [  6]
Test: 65536
 [ 98]
 [  0]

65536 out of 65536 messages verified.

Concluding Remarks

Multivariate cryptography has seen renewed interest recently due to the call for the standardization of post-quantum cryptography. Recall that the main issue with UOV signature schemes are that the public keys are huge. Many contemporary schemes have tried to solve this issue. For instance, Rainbow is a scheme based on a layered UOV approach that reduces the size of the public key. It was selected as one of the three NIST Post-quantum signature finalists. However, a key recovery attack was discovered by Beullens and Rainbow is no longer considered secure. Note, this attack does not break UOV, just Rainbow. Furthermore, MAYO was put forth as a possible post-quantum signature candidate in NIST’s call for additional PQC signatures. MAYO uses small public keys comparable to that of lattice based schemes that are “whipped-up” during signing and verification – for details go to the MAYO website. In addition to exploring Rainbow and MAYO, in may interest the reader to explore Hidden Field Equations, which is another construction of multivariate cryptography schemes.


Thank you to Paul Bottinelli and Elena Bakos Lang for their thorough reviews and thoughtful feedback on this blog post. All remaining errors are the author’s.