Secure your data in transit and at rest with high-end cryptographic and encryption hardware, software, and advisory.
Data is vulnerable to compromise wherever it exists — in motion or at rest.
Protect your most sensitive data using cryptography.
NCC Group experts build cryptographic hardware and software for nation states, assess in-use cryptographic and encryption algorithms, and help ensure data is safe.
Prevent unauthorized access to digital information.
Safeguard your most sensitive data from accidental or forced exposure with state-of-the-art cryptographic and encryption systems.
Optimize cryptographic operations.
Increase speed and efficiency while reducing friction and computational expense by utilizing our hardware accelerators.
Assess cryptographic algorithms.
Ensure that your existing security properly protects your data according to your requirements from internal guidelines, regional law, and international frameworks.
Protect your data.
Cryptography Services
Verify that your cryptographic algorithms are protecting what they're designed to with assessment and advisory from encryption experts.
Fox Crypto
Netherlands-based Fox Crypto builds cryptographic hardware and software to protect sensitive and classified information.
The highest-certified IT security product in the world, DataDiode, guarantees one-way data transfers in real-time- transferring large datasets in milliseconds while also preventing data leaks and blocking access by malicious actors.
Create trust in your data with high assurance.
Provide data integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation support, entity authentication, source authentication, access control, and availability with cryptography.
Our international assessment and advisory teams can consult and advise on as-built or out-of-the-box solutions you already use with code reviews in order to validate and verify robustness.
Netherlands-based Fox-IT's Fox Crypto, as a part of NCC Group, builds cryptographic hardware and software for nation-state level security requirements.
Further reading
Constant-Time Data Processing At a Secret Offset, Privacy and QUIC
Learn more about safe and effective implementations of the QUIC protocol.
NIST Selects Post-Quantum Algorithms for Standardization
We recall the history of the project and predict what will come next.
How Can Cyber Security Adoption Accelerate the Growth of DeFi?
DeFi isn't as secure as it seems. Rather, platforms should take a more proactive stance.
Public Report: Penumbra Labs Decaf377
Read about Implementation & Poseidon Parameter Selection Review.
Machine Learning 101: The Integrity of Image (Mis)Classification?
This blog post is the first in a series related to machine learning, and highlights a realistic weakness in the integrity of image classification systems.
Get to the bottom of your cryptographic and encryption security.
Call us before you need us.