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Insights and research from our global cybersecurity team.

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Exception Handling and Data Integrity in Salesforce

Robust exception handling is one of the tenets of best practice for development, no matter what the coding language. This blog post explores the curious circumstances in which a developer trying to do the right thing – but without appreciating the full effects – could lead to data integrity issues in a Salesforce Organization. As […]

Are you oversharing (in Salesforce)? Our new tool could sniff it out!

Unauthorised access to data is a primary concern of clients who commission a Salesforce assessment. The Salesforce documentation acknowledges that the sharing model is a “complex relationship between role hierarchies, user permissions, sharing rules, and exceptions for certain situations”[1]. It is often said that complexity and security are natural enemies. Salesforce empowers its users with […]

Salesforce Security with Remote Working

With Coronavirus still active across the world, life is far from settled, but the uptake of remote working is surely here to stay. From a security standpoint, organisations[1] may feel less comfortable at the moment simply because staff are working out of sight. Whether that feeling is justified will depend on the technical measures put […]

02 Oct 2020

Common Insecure Practices with Configuring and Extending Salesforce

This article discusses the most common findings from a sample of over 35 security assessments of Salesforce customer deployments conducted by NCC Group. The assessments covered a mixture of configuration and code review based on our customers’ use of the Salesforce platform, not of Salesforce itself. The findings were sorted into broad categories, of which […]

When a Trusted Site in Internet Explorer was Anything But

This post is about one of those vulnerabilities that you don’t envisage seeing again for some time but, nevertheless, still contains some valuable lessons, especially when it comes to how vulnerabilities can combine to produce different attack scenarios. While the scenario is rare for Internet-facing websites, developers and architects responsible for internal applications, especially legacy […]

From CSV to CMD to qwerty

The ongoing breach stories of targeted email campaigns harbouring malicious attachments made me think of writing up a summary of a presentation I gave at the amazing NCC Con held in Dublin in January this year. The talk was based on a pentesting war story that started off exploiting the old (but I believe often overlooked) Dynamic […]