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Insights and research from our global cybersecurity team.

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Tool Release: Code Query (cq)

Code Query is a new, open source universal code security scanning tool. CQ scans code for security vulnerabilities and other items of interest to security-focussed code reviewers. It outputs text files containing references to issues found, into an output directory. These output files can then be reviewed, filtered by unix command line tools such as […]

26 May 2023

Tool Release: Code Credential Scanner (ccs)

Code Credential Scanner is a new open source tool designed to detect hardcoded credentials, or credentials present in configuration files within a repository. These represent a serious security issue, and can be extremely hard to detect and manage. The tool is intended to be used directly by dev teams in a CI/CD pipeline, to manage […]

23 May 2023

Security Code Review With ChatGPT

TL;DR: Don’t use ChatGPT for security code review. It’s not meant to be used that way, it doesn’t really work (although you might be fooled into thinking it does), and there are some other major problems that make it impractical. Also, both the CEO of OpenAI and ChatGPT itself say that you shouldn’t. Large Language […]

Five Essential Machine Learning Security Papers

We recently published “Practical Attacks on Machine Learning Systems”, which has a very large references section – possibly too large – so we’ve boiled down the list to five papers that are absolutely essential in this area. If you’re beginning your journey in ML security, and have the very basics down, these papers are a […]